
  • To create awareness on the importance of immunization in COPD

  • To discuss different strategies for prevention of acute exacerbation of COPD and its complications, including the benefits of
    – Pneumococcal immunization
    – Influenza immunization and antiviral use

About our speaker

Jean Bourbeau MD, MSc, FRCPC

Dr. Jean Bourbeau is the Director of the Research Institute MUHC's Center for Innovative Medicine, the COPD Clinic and the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit at the MUHC Montreal Chest Institute. He has been President of the Canadian Thoracic Society. His work and research on COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, integrated self-management programs for patients with COPD ("Living Well with COPD") have had an impact not only in the field of research, but also in clinical practice at the national and international level.